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Power Cord Green Production Recyclable

First, the production process is pollution-free. This includes everything from power cord material selection to process production to packaging and transportation, to the sales process, without polluting the environment.

Second, the process of use is non-polluting. This process does not pose a hazard to human health, and its safety indicators related to chemical performance and performance must comply with the relevant standards of the national 3C and international regulations.

Third, the disposal process is non-polluting. That is, the power cord plug product has recyclability, cyclability, recyclability, or can be safely degraded, and does not adversely affect the environment (land or air, etc.) during the treatment.

We can also fully analyze the design process of the power line from the horizontal and vertical directions of time and space. The system consists of four levels: the first layer is the target layer, which is the overall goal and the central concept designed to design green and green products; the second layer is the content layer of the green design of the power cord product, which includes the brand power cord products. The design of the style and color, the choice of the green material of the power cord, the design of the dress code of the children's wear product, and the environmental performance design. The third layer is the main stage layer of green design, which is to realize the green design concept and content. The practical stage includes three stages of the life cycle of the power line product such as the manufacturing process, the use process and the recycling process of the power line product; the fourth layer is the design factor layer, that is, the green design process of the power line product should be considered Main factors such as time, cost, materials, quality, safety and environment。